The Lions Clubs International



Message from the President Lion Aurora S. Cudal

It is with humility that I accept this awesome responsibility of leading the San Diego Scripps Lions Club for Lion Year 2004-2005. As a member of the International Lions Club, we are expected to share our time and resources to realize the objectives of Lionism and to translate its motto, "We Serve", into action. Are we willing to share our time and resources for the good of others? Are we willing to help others in order to make a difference in their lives and in the life of the community as a whole, and enjoy and have fun in the process?

It is hoped that our answer to these questions is a resounding "YES". I believe that it is through our willingness to serve and to help others that our Club can find meaning in its existence. I would encourage all of us to know more and to do better in promoting the objects of Lionism and to internalize the Code of Ethics. Let us demonstrate these in our lives and in our dealings with others. Let us contribute to the attainment of the goals of District 4-L6 and the International Lions Clubs. It is only when we are mindful of these responsibilities that we can truly be proud to be a Lion.

Let us therefore, work together for better and greater San Diego Scripps Lions Club! Let us share our success through service and be a strong link in the circle of Lionism.

Yours in Lionism,

Lion Aurora S. Cudal
President, 2004-2005