Home Calendar of Events

San Diego Scripps Lions Club
District 4-L6

* * * View our bulletin * * *


4th Induction Ceremony Aug. 29, 2004 Pictures

Send us an email --> ascudal7@yahoo.com

Officers for Lion Year 2004-2005

President : Lion Aurora S. Cudal
IP President: Lion Larry Matriano
1st Vice President: Lion Mel Gamboa
2nd Vice President: Lion Leo Benedictos
3rd Vice President: Lion Mary Garrido
Secretary: Lion Delia Matriano
Asst. Secretary: Lion Paula Bigelow
Treasurer: Lion Myrna Rivera
Lion Tamer: Nap Reforma
Lion Twister: Alegria Holmes

Membership Committee:
Chairman: Tita P. Gamboa
Members: Winlove Cudal, Carol de la Paz

Board of Directors: 2-year term
Isabel Bananal
Mitz Lee
Lucy Williams

Board of Directors: 1 year term
Teresa Benedictos
Jana Kelley
Esper Wert

Club Chaplain: Gerry de la Paz


For more information contact : Lion Aurora S. Cudal
Phone: 619 460-3783
Email: ascudal@peoplepc.om

2851 Washington St. Lemon Grove, California 91945
(Manager Only)