The Lions Clubs International




Message from the Past President

I wish to extend sincere congratulations and best wishes to the new members and the new set of officers for LY 2004-2005. Without doubt and much fanfare, a lot has been accomplished in the past four years after the Club was chartered, in terms of serving the best interests of our community in the tradition of Lionism, especially in the area of health service. But a lot more remains to be done.

For this new Lion Year, President Aurora Cudal embarked on a serious effort to build up the membership both in numbers and quality. Under her leadership, a number of good projects have been lined up not only to put “flesh and blood” to the theme adopted by International president Clement F. Kusiak for this Lion Year - “Sharing Success Through Service” but also to foster closer ties and cooperation among the members and instill pride in the hearts of each and every member.

Like every one else, I am very much aware of the uncertainties and the difficulties of the times. But I am confident that with the deep commitment and close cooperation among all the members, we shall be able to achieve and attain our set goals and objectives.

Lastly, but not least, I wish to thank, in behalf of our Club, all our guests, sponsors and advertisers for their valuable and untiring support, without which we cannot and will not be able to do much.

May God Bless us All!

Lion Ely M. Bananal
Past President