The Lions Clubs International



Message from the Immediate Past President

It is with immense pride that I greet the new officers and members of San Diego Scripps- Mesa Lions Club for 2004-2005 as we celebrate the 4th Installation and Induction of our Club.

As the immediate past President, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the officers and members for their support, hard work and cooperation. It was indeed a very rewarding experience for me to have served in this capacity. There were some challenges but our young Club, inspired by the Lions' motto "We Serve", came through it all. We have participated in community and humanitarian service projects locally and internationally with pride and joy knowing we have made a difference in someone's life.

I am confident the Club will continue to do well under the dynamic leadership of our incoming President Lion Aurora Cudal. Again, congratulations and may God bless us all!

Larry T. Matriano
President, 2003-2004