Filipino Directory

Filipino Directory

Login / Register
The login and registration system has been taken down temporarily for maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience and the system will be back up soon.


User name

Forgot your User name or Password?

From here you can login to your

  • Tagalog Student account
  • Filipino Directory Business Listing account
  • account

Learn more about:
Enrolling in Learn How to Speak Tagalog
Signing up your business in the Filipino Directory

Register in Pinoy Directory

Don't have an account? Make one for free.
Join the community and be able to post and comment on bulletins and events.

User Name
This is the name that you appear as to other people. This doesn't have to be your real name. Must be between three and sixteen characters.
Your secret word. Must be between 3 and 16 characters.
Confirm Password
To be extra sure, enter your password again
Your e-mail address. We use this to contact you with important information. We will not give this e-mail away to other corporations so they can spam you. That would be bad.
Select your country. This info helps us localize the directory for you.
State / Province
Select your state. This info helps us localize the directory for you.

Specify your state or province. This info helps us localize the directory for you.

Give us some feedback!